Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Braxton is 4 months old!
I cant believe how fast these last few months have flown by! Braxton is getting so big and thinks he is bigger then he really is...
He loves is new jumper!
He can hold his own bottle! (when its his idea)
He does not want to sit or lay down. he just wants to STAND!
He talks up a storm!
He has a laugh that just melts this mommas heart!
and so much more!

In the last 4 month josh and i have learned a lot but the hardest and most important thing we have learned and are still working on is are positions. Little Braxton Boy knows how to test are pasitions. He has a mind of his own and he lets us know what he does not want. I just wish he could tell us what he DOES want!

Braxton boy we love ever inch and roll of fat on your little body!

He loves to sleep in his swing but he has grown out of it! he will not even swing his "chubbs" anymore!
I have taken way to many pictures of this kid! He knows that there is going to be a flash so he now smiles and closes his eyes(little smarty pants)

His two fav. things FOOD and his JUMPING... this lucky kid gets to enjoy them both at the same time!